Friday, October 21, 2011

Blog # 6

Please read 270-289 and respond to the following prompts / questions in complete sentences.   2-4 sentences each should suffice.

1.  In my humble opinion, this chapter is hauntingly prophetic and serves as stinging social commentary on contemporary society.  Read the following quote and tell me if you agree.

Yay, old Uns’ Smart mastered sicks, miles, seeds an’made miracles ord’nary, but it din’t master one thing, nay, a hunger in the hearts o’humans, yaya, a hunger for more…more gear, more food, faster speeds, longer lifes, easier lifes, more power yay” (Mitchell 272).

2.  Paraphrase the following line: “Second day fluffsome clouds rabbited westly an’ that snaky leeward sun was hissin’ loud’n’hot (Mitchell 272).

3.  The Fall is frequently referenced in this chapter; one time on 284.  What do you think it was?  Be specific.  I’m not sure, but I frequently think of fallout.  Look this up and thinking back on previous chapters, do you see any connection?

4.  Judas” is mentioned on the bottom of 275.  Who was he?  What does the name mean today?  How does it apply to Zachery and the novel? 

5.  Why do the Valleymen think the Honokaa are savages (285)?  Give a specific example of when this has been witnessed in history.


  1. I agree. Contemporary literature, and even conversation now lacks the thought and literary techniques that were put into archaic works, such as Shakespeare. Time moves much quicker now than it used to, and speed has become one of the priorities of society. Things have moved on so quickly, because people have kept inventing things that we’ve always dreamt of in sci-fi movies. However, everything have become so accessible that we’ve forgotten to appreciate them, and attention is paid more on the things we want, rather than the things we already have. This greed might not lead to extreme conditions like us becoming valleysmen however, could lead to intellectual deteoriation.

    On the second day, furry, soft-looking clouds left to the west, and the windless sun shone hot and bright.

    I first wasn’t too sure about it either, however, after reading what the fallout is about, I agree that they share the same concept. Because people have been so self centered on full filling their own greed, they’ve all ran out of the earth’s resources, leading to a world wide war that wiped out most of the population, and desolating the environment. The previous chapters show the development of the human society, beginning with imperialism, followed by Sonmi’s scientifically fictitious setting, and ending in Zachry’s period of devastation. The readers clearly see the development of technology, however, are also able to see deteoriation in speech. Spelling is simplified, and writing has lost its sophistication (for example, Ewing’s diary has beautiful figurative speech, but Zachry’s lacks the sophistication).

    Judas is one of Jesus’s twelve disciples. He is said to have sold Jesus, because Judas had thought that Jesus had failed to overthrown Roman rule in Israel. According to the new testament, satan entered into Judas and brain washed Judas into betraying Jesus. Judas symbolizes greed over friendship. Zachry plays somewhat the same role as Judas, though Zachry has succeeded in protecting himself from Satan’s sweet words. Meronym is liked by everyone in the village, and can be looked as a savior (Jesus), and the valleysman her apostles. However, while Zachry leads Meronym in their quest on Mouna Kea, Zachry is tempted to betray Meronym, because of his mistrust.

    5. The Honokaa were polytheistic, because they believed their own gods, as well as Sonmi. The Christian thought that pagan tribes were barbaric before they were christianized. This is very ironic because Honokaa was supposed to be ‘advanced’, and the valleysmen ‘primitive’.

    Missed you at school today! Hope you feel better and take care :)

  2. 1.) I agree because right now, people are hungering for anything new and the battle to achieve something faster than any other person can be seen all around the world. In all fields, mankind is hungry to expand and dig in deeper and deeper into unknown things. Things that used to be considered unbelievably convenient begin to look dull and slow and are discarded after a year or two. So, yes, I do agree.

    2.) On the second day, fluffy clouds moved to the west while the sun was hot and intense.

    3.) I think the Fall means the fall of mankind. The story seems to be taking part in a time after human society took a dip and most of mankind died out. Zachry comes from a village with no electricity etc. and their technological advancement seems low. Meronym also says that the great cities now like Singapore etc. is just rubble and the Prescients and the Valleysmen are considered more civilized than other places. The word fallout means the slow descent of debris etc. after a huge explosion. In the novel, we saw technology rising as we read each novel, starting from The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing where people traveled on ships because there was not enough technology yet to build airplanes, to the Orison of Sonmi-451 where everything was all about technology. However when we reach this chapter, we see this small village with no technology and this is supposed to be the future. This is kind of like after the great explosion.

    4.) Judas is the name of one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, who is said to have betrayed Jesus Christ. There are three reason that might have encouraged Judas to do this. They are that he was greedy and wanted money or he wanted to punish the man who had failed to save his country from the Roman rule, or Satan came to him and commanded him to do so. Today, the word judas means a traitor, or someone who betrays a friend. In the book, Zachery is confused and feeling insecure because Meronym tells him things that goes against everything he believes in. He is visited by the spirits of his ancestors etc. (who probably are just hallucinations created by his mind) and they tell him to kill Meronym. This is very similar to Judas because he also betrayed Jesus Christ.

    5.) The Valleymen think that the Honokaa are savages (or half savages) because although they do worship Sonmi, they also worship other Hilo Gods. There have been cases in which a group of people have been discriminated because of their religion and beliefs. For example in Things Fall Apart, we see the white men coming into the African village and telling the Africans that their Gods were fake. The white men consider the Africans savages and force their own religion on them. Although they do not force their religion on the Honokaas, the Valleymen consider the Hokokaa half savages because they believe in multiple gods and not only Sonmi.

  3. 1. To say the truth, I am not exactly sure about the answer to this question. But I think this chapter is prophetic, because it is talks a lot about Meronym who is like a prophet to Zachry. And I think it serves as stinging social commentary on contemporary society. To me, the quote means how society is improving in technology, but not in reality. It is because even though new technology is created, it does not mean that the world is going to improve. In the previous page, it said, “They finded the cities where the old maps promised, dead-rubble cities, jungled-choked cities, plague-rotted cities, but never a sign o’ them livin’ cities o’ their yearnins’” (Mitchell 271). This quote tells how the cities precients visited are different from their imagination, and is destroyed in a way.

    2. On the second day, the fluffy, rabbit looking cloud moved westward, and the calm sun was shining hot.

    3. I think the fall means how society is being destroyed. The meaning of fallout is debris from an explosion, especially after a nuclear explosion. Meronym mentioned how many places were destroyed and was like a dead-rubble cities. In the previous chapter, the future was seen negative, so we see the connection of how the society is falling apart.

    4. Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, according to the New Testament. He is famous for betraying Jesus. Today, Judas means a person who betrays a friend, simply a traitor. This applies to Zachry because Zachry starts hearing the voice (which is his grandpa’s) that says that Meronym is a betrayal. And he decides to betray Meronym, which is the same thing Judas did. This applies to the novel because for example in the first chapter, Dr. Goose betrayed Adam Ewing by giving him an addictive drug.

    5. The Valleymen think that the Honokaa are savages because they worship both Sonmi and Hilo. The Valleymen think that the Honokaa are trying to divide their chance in two. In history, this occurred during the 17th century to the 18th century. (Sorry I am not sure about the history part….) For the Romans, the Germanic tribes were seen as a noble savage.

  4. I agree that this chapter is hauntingly prophetic and serves as stinging social commentary on contemporary society. Though the outcomes of the future may not be the same as what is presented in this chapter, I believe that what humans will face in the future would be something similar. The quote talks about how humans are in hunger for more and more things, such as and easier life, more food, etc. We can view how greedy humans have become and how we already have enough things but we long for more. At the same time technology has developed more and more to satisfy the needs of others. Humans have lost the sense of appreciation towards the many things we have and instead have become greedy to have more things
    On the Second day the fluffy clouds moved west while the sun was hot and shining bright.

    The definition of fallout is the radioactive dust in the air after a nuclear explosion. At first I did not know what the connection was and why it was important. Still when I read back to the book, I thought that fall out meant how the society was falling. The whole book I believe, talks about how society is building up and how it fails. This chapter talks about the future world, and still we see similarities of the forms of society that we saw way back in time. Compared to the chapter about Sonmi the society has falled and people no longer live in crowded places, there is not much technology except for what the prescients have. Therefore we see a connection on how the society started to grow and at the end of this big explosion it starts to fail. If I connected this to the idea of nuclear explosion I think I can also feel a sense of similarity. Once nuclear explosions are made, for people who have created it, it is something amazing and unbelievable. It is the source of new technology. Once it is used though, the explosion causes many deaths, and the world to be destroyed and mess. So we also see how the life of people suddenly fall from what used to be something big, and sophisticated.

    According to the New testament Judas is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He is remembered to have betrayed Jesus Christ. Judas also means a person who is not loyal to a friend and helps the friends enemy, basically meaning a traitor. I think this really applies to Zachry since in the novel, he is also about to betray Meronym. When he hears evil voices, he was about to kill Meronym. Still he is able to resist and is able to stay loyal to Meronym.

    5.The valleymen believe that Honokaa are savages because they believe in sonmi and also Hilo. It is true that in the history of our world this is also present. Though i am not sure specifically when in history these things were present it is true that there were times when people judge other groups as savages because the difference in beliefs and the Gods they worship. Therefore many people tried to force their religion on others, or they ended up in having conflicts. (I am sorry I do not know specifically...)

  5. I am not sure why this would be stinging social commentary on contemporary society. The world had developed and has developing because of the human hunger. I am saying that human hunger also caused some bad stuffs but also made today, which is easier life than yesterday.

    Second day, fluffy clouds were gone to the west and sun was burning in the windless sky.

    Well, I did not care any of those words since it made me confuse for at least 10minutes. But from the nuance of the word, I could tell that it is something negative and I read many parts that used 'Fall' and I think it references to some kind of event that destroyed Sonmi period then made Zachry period today. From page 285

    Judas is one of Jesus's follower. And also known as betrayer who betrayed Jesus. Today, simply Judas uses as betrayer. Judas applies to Zachry when he was climbing up the mountain with Meronym. Evil souls were luring Zachry to kill meronym and that almost made him a betrayer but because of his dream from Sonmi, he did not kill Meronym.

    Correctly, Honokaa were considered as half-savages because they do believe in Sonmi but also other God called Hilo. Just because they also believe in different God they are treated as savages and it is not rare in history. Same as how Christianity was spreading themselves all over the world and had to conquer or kill people who are against it.

  6. 1. I agree with this quote. This explains how people did invent many things improving our lives, yet, all ask for more constantly. For they know that there could be better, people would keep trying to change and improve industry, medicine etc.. Thinking back, it is very amazing how man invented all sorts of things. And even now, things change so rapidly that some people cannot even keep track of it. In the beginning, they had almost nothing and now, all have all kind of things, however, it does not always do good.

    2. On the second day, fluffy clouds were moving to the west and the sun was rising bright and hot.

    3. By Fall, I think they mean the mankind and its power falling apart. Man has invented so much things and extended their power to a much larger areas that they could not take care of all things and everything fell apart. As mentioned before, the advance of civilization does not always do good. Personally, I think of the nuclear power because I don’t think it is something that man actually take control and use wisely; the Fukushima power fell apart and is causing many health damages and we cannot eve stop it. Having a large scale might be nice at the first look, but when actually executing the process, it does not always go smoothly.
    Fallout is the particles ejected in the atmosphere after and explosion. This is connected to the chapters because until this chapter, chronologically, technology, language, actually the whole civilization advances little by little. From Adam Ewing to Sonmi, changes are obvious yet, in this chapter, it suddenly drops to a very undeveloped civilization. However, we still know that this is in future because of the apparition of Sonmi as a representation of god. This cycle can be described as the fallout since, the civilization did not stop growing yet, in the end exploded, turning everything into bits and the Valleysman was one of the rare part of the world not being affected.

    4. Judas is one of the twelve disciples of Christ and is the one who is told to have sold Christ which caused Jesus’ sacrifice. Today, this name means traitor or betrayal. Here, Zachry can be represented as Judas and Meronym, as Christ, savior. While climbing the mount, Zachry hears hallucinations and ancestor’s spirits telling him that Meronym is a traitor and must be betrayed which is similar to the story in the Old Testament.

    5. The Honokaa are considered savages because of their religious belief and worship which was different than the Valleysman who believe and only in Sonmi while the Honokaaa are polytheistic. The example would be the holocasue where many Jews were discriminated and were killed because of their religion which was different than Christianity, the dominant religion.
