Friday, October 21, 2011

Blog # 6

Please read 270-289 and respond to the following prompts / questions in complete sentences.   2-4 sentences each should suffice.

1.  In my humble opinion, this chapter is hauntingly prophetic and serves as stinging social commentary on contemporary society.  Read the following quote and tell me if you agree.

Yay, old Uns’ Smart mastered sicks, miles, seeds an’made miracles ord’nary, but it din’t master one thing, nay, a hunger in the hearts o’humans, yaya, a hunger for more…more gear, more food, faster speeds, longer lifes, easier lifes, more power yay” (Mitchell 272).

2.  Paraphrase the following line: “Second day fluffsome clouds rabbited westly an’ that snaky leeward sun was hissin’ loud’n’hot (Mitchell 272).

3.  The Fall is frequently referenced in this chapter; one time on 284.  What do you think it was?  Be specific.  I’m not sure, but I frequently think of fallout.  Look this up and thinking back on previous chapters, do you see any connection?

4.  Judas” is mentioned on the bottom of 275.  Who was he?  What does the name mean today?  How does it apply to Zachery and the novel? 

5.  Why do the Valleymen think the Honokaa are savages (285)?  Give a specific example of when this has been witnessed in history.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog # 5

Read through page 225 and respond to the prompts below.
1.  Make a dictionary of 10 new words that have been created.  Give the word and its definition.

2.  Define a "pureblood".

3.  What is the definition of happiness given on 188?  Do you agree or disagree?

4.  What is "Soap?"

5.  What is "Papa Song?"

6. Paraphrase Orison's first lecture in "biomathematics."

7.  What does Orison have to say about "winners" and "losers"?  Do you agree?

8.  Paraphrase what is discussed about "social strata" on page 222.

9.  Are purebloods described as being tough?  Is this ironic?

10.  How can the following quote be applied to us, the human race? "My mind fumbled with such enormity and dropped it: how could I understand such a limitless world?" (Mitchell 207)