Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blog # 2

Please read through pg. 33
Summarize the major plot developments up to this point.  From the start of the novel. (1 Paragraph)
Also, pick one allusion and explain what it is. (1 Paragraph)
Due: Monday, 9.5 (Before Class)


  1. The first entry in Ewing's diary mentions Ewing and Goose's first encounter, whom later becomes close acquaintances. Ewing is horrified by Goose's strange plan of retribution against Grace of Mayfair, and departs the doctor in a brisk manner. In the next entry, Ewing confesses his judgement of the doctor was a rash one, and the two become better acquainted. The next day, Ewing witnesses the cruel lashing of a Moriori by a Maori. The Moriori, later turns out to be Autua, and is employed to work on the Prophetes thanks to his outstanding physical abilities and Ewing's help. The relationship between Moriori and the Maori is explained by Mr.Evans. The two tribes play a significant role both symbolically and to progress the story. Though Ewing refers to the indigenous people as 'mongrels,' his sympathy towards the tribesmen can be glimpsed through his actions when he hiked the mountain and accidentally falls upon a museum of etchings by the Moriori, where Ewing fights a moral dilemma on whether to turn in the place to his shipmates or not. Near the end of the section, the readers are finally notified about Ewing's 'ailment' which turns out to be a type of a fatal parasite. However, Goose offers to cure the disease without any charge, which Ewing is very grateful of.

  2. On page 38, while the men gather on the deck of the prophetess laying up grass, Rafael, who is an Australian, sings an American folk song of Shenandoah. The song possesses a great impact and silences the sailors who, up til then, sang vulgar songs. The lyrics to Shenandoah is said to narrate a love story of a trader and a daughter of the chief of an Indian tribe, though its sources are uncertain. The song also serves as a song of gratitude for runaway slaves, because the river mentioned in the song erased their scents. Autua is a runaway slave, therefore, there might be a connection between Rafael, the song, and Autua.

  3. The book begins in New Zealand with the strange encounter of our main character, an American lawyer by the name of Ewing, and an English physician, Henry Goose. Though judging Goose's manner to be ungentlemanly at first, Ewing later changes his mind about the doctor and they become close friends. The ship in which Ewing sails, has previously been damaged severely and is on the mend. As he waits for it to be repaired, Ewing finds himself surrounded by many things that defy the ways of his life. He watches a Moriori being beaten by a Moari. Both tribes of New Zealand with opposite values. Ewing later discovers that the Moari had brought the Moriori to near extinction due to the fact that the Moriori did not believe in fighting. Later on when Ewing is exploring the land, he falls off a cliff and finds himself in a holly place of the Moriori. It is full of carvings done by the tribe and he also finds a heart containing a salamander. Ewing feels the forbiddance of stepping into such a holly place that he flees it as quickly as he can. Soon after when the ship is able to set sail, Ewing is pleased to hear that Henry has accepted the post of being the ship's doctor. However, after setting sail Ewing discovers that the Moriori he had seen being beaten, Autua, is in his cabin hiding. Though Ewing is a Christian, he shows signs of racism towards Indians. However, due to specific reasons, Ewing saves the man by going to the captain and convincing him to give the Moriori a job.

    On page 23, the book says “notwithstanding Friday is a Jonah amongst sailors” (David Mitchell). According to sailor superstition, “Jonah” means “bad luck”. This term comes from the story of “the Prophet Jonah” in the Old Testament. The story tells of a man called Jonah who defied God. When Jonah went on sail, God sent a huge storm that threatened the ship to sink. Jonah new that he was responsible for the storm and tells his shipmates to throw him off the ship. The crew did as they were told and as a result, the storm abated and the ship was saved. Sailors refer to people or things that bring bad luck as “Jonah”. In the book’s case it was Friday.

  4. The story begins with a diary talking about the meeting of Henry Goose, a Physician, and Ewing. Ewing is the main character of the novel. At first Ewing feels horrified about Henry, who has this plan about taking revenge over Grace of Mayfair. Still, as they get to know each other Ewing gets close to Henry. Through the first part of the story, Ewing learns about the tribes the Moriori, and the Maori. He sees one of the Moriori being beaten by a Maori and later on gets to know more about the two tribes by Mr. Evans. He learns that the Moriori had a belief of not fighting, and the belief of peace, which from our eyes is morally correct. Still this belief leads them to near extinction when the Maori start killing the tribes. As the story progresses, many things start to happen. Ewing falls off a cliff and finds him landing in a holly place full of carvings. Then the story suddenly changes and Ewing is on the Prophetess. Along with finding Henry aboard on the ship, he also unexpectedly discovers an Moriori on the ship. The Moriori is the same guy who he sees being beaten in the beginning of the story. Autua, the Moriori pleads Ewing for help and Ewing decides to help him by convincing the captain to give him a job and to keep him on the ship.

    On page 10 there is a part where it says “All men created equal” (Mitchell 10). This phrase is called an immortal declaration and was first used in the declaration of independence by Thomas Jefferson. This was made to go against the political theory the people had during this time, which was “The divine rights of the King”.

  5. First of all, this chapter is written as a diary type.
    Protagonist is Adam Ewing. American, who is traveling the ocean. While Ewing was traveling, Ewing's ship needed to be fix so Ewing stayed at this island called Chatham and met Dr. Goose. While his ship was getting fixed. Ewing went around and saw Maori beating Moriori.(Indigenous people) Then also found place of worship and saw something's heart. Later, Ewing's ship was finally fixed and he left again for his journey with new shipmate, Dr. Goose.
    From beginning of journey, Ewing had little problem with Mr. Borehaave and Torgny. Torgny wanted to know where the gold mine was and while he was forcing Ewing to tell him where it is. Borehaave came in and punished Torgny and took the map that Ewing drew.
    Later on, one stowaway showed up and surprised Ewing. Which was Autua. Autua begged Ewing to let him stay in the ship or less he will die and Ewing decided to let him stay in the ship. Then, Autua started to tell Ewing the story of his life.

  6. The story starts out with the encounter of Adam Ewing and the doctor Henry Goose, the two main characters of this story. At first, the doctor's rude comportment did not give a positive impression to Ewing, who later, changes his mind and they both become very close to each other. In the Chatham Isles, Ewing was waiting for his ship, Prophetess to be fixed and during his journey on the isle, he discovers a lot about the Maori and Moriori; the Maori almost killed all Moriori before the Whites came, since the Moriori tribes took Peace as an essential and meaningful virtue and hated hurting others the most. Once, he sees a Maori bullying another Moriori and saves the poor one who comes out to be later, the "savage" who hid himself in his cabin, Autua. Later, while exploring the land and climbing a high hill ( he thought it was better than doing nothing), he accidentally fell from a crater's lip where he finds a sacred place for the Moriori and notices that it is a place that he should not have stepped in. He also finds a "human-like" heart from where a salamander came out which scared him; he runs away from the place. The next morning, he starts sailing on the Prophetess and is glad to know that doctor Goose has accepted his post as the ship-doctor; firstly as a close friend and secondly for his "ailment" which is a kind of disease that Ewing has. The next day, late in night, Autua that appeared earlier shows up in his cabin (he was hiding himself in Ewing's cabin) and asks him to talk to the captain to recruit him as a shipman since he has the skill for it, and because if he goes talk to the captain, he will not be heard. Autua gets accepted as the seaman after passing a "test".

    On page 8, the book mentions "The Lutheran founder" (8 Mitchell). This is referring to Martin Luther, the actual founder of Protestant christianity. The story mentioned the name of "Lutherian" two times; once as the Lutheran founder and the second time "mad old Lutheran" (16 Mitchell).

  7. Allusion
    Pge 24. When Torgny asked Ewing for where the gold mine is.. he mentioned the place named Eldorados.
    Eldorados refers to Lost City of Gold.
    Torgny and Borehaave were interested in gold and Eldorados is like the place that has hidden gold.
